The Romantic Poet Of Nature
With the rhythm of your passionate poetry,
rolled the silver-crested wave of romanticism,
inundating the shore of English literature,
where you emerged as the seminal figure.
The beauteous kaleidoscopic natural world
imparted didactic quality to your poems,
finding connection between nature and your soul,
and between the self and matchless imagination.
The color, fragrance and sounds of spring,
the shine of autumn sky, sparkle of sun-soaked water,
made lasting romantic impression in your mind,
influencing the growth of your poetic brilliance.
You had firm faith in the magnificence of nature
as the prime source of true happiness and joy,
that could enhance the scope of kindheartedness,
enlighten the spiritual awareness of individualism.
A worshipper of nature, you eulogized its charm,
when you felt you “wandered lonely as a cloud”,
merged with the flushing splendor of landscape,
to be aptly christened as the poet of nature.
You captured the cadenced whisper of nature
in the swaying golden daffodils and wandering clouds,
far away from the medley of lively crowd,
distant from the domain of emotions and dreams.
Your profound personal romantic linkage with nature
left no space for complexities of human experience.
If entwinned with the threads of human nature
your lyrical beauty could’ve adorned universal sensibility.
Copyright © Subimal Sinha-Roy | Year Posted 2025
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