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The Roads Less Travelled

Good Riddance to a smoky city The smog filled streets and the shoddy piety It looked like the Gods never visited the country, this part And every nook and corner was a smudge in an artists art! Morning walks had stopped long enough And evening exercises were just spoken in a huff….and a puff Every mans greed was now out in the open That nothing but money could please, was often spoken This city had gone from Green to polluted And every living being here had started getting dreams diluted Not eve n the gardens were spared No elderly person was ever here going to be cared For as blind as every responsible person here could get Nobody here believed in a breathable environment to set…. That an Art Museum adorned the City Centre, as a matter of fact And some madman said that this monument could only act…. As an enriching business, making the City a star But now it looks like a piece of War…. Between the Government that assured the people a smart zone And every rich-wanna-be decided to clone By joining hands with the “Government” – thus getting their hands Dirty Making every living soul in that City – Burn in these streets of pity!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 3/19/2022 9:48:00 PM
I really like this poem. It is very descriptive of a city where there is only one thing that matters, money. The root of all evil is never good especially when we deal with the rich and the crooked governments. Such a great poem getting this message across.
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