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The Road To a Championship

Early one morning a group of rookie's and veteran's ballplayers emerge onto the prac- tice field destine to began an grueling season of hardwork and a dedication to an common- goal of Superiority. They come out of the locker room after the coach has given assign- ment's and now everyone minds are on one accord, one agenda and together they all say to themselve's. "The road to a Championship began when the priority to be the best", "is know from one and all roads to success is gear towards teamwork and passionate loyalty to suc- ceed at any means there is". Loyalty to push on through the inclimate weather, hardwork off the field as well on the field is approachable only when a championship atmosphere surrounds itself with ballplayer's and not attitude's disrespectful to the cause of the challenge's to be- come the best at what you do, and do the best at what not to do. Teamwork is a do-able part of the puzzle, but there's more to it then that. There is hunger, and then all the pieces falls together when that hunger is fed an astronomical desire that fill-up the body and your minds with offensive and defensive individual's that love's victory and enjoy's a desire to not finish the race in last place. So out emerge's a champion in his relationship to his fellow ballplayers and to his family as that of maturity and that of unlimited resources of the uncoachable en- tangable fortitude that seperate the advantage's over the disadvantages that make his or her teammate's reach the level of sportsmenship unseen and redeem as the fans come to see a player that value's himself and value the diffucult task of Sunday to Sunday ability to be not only a scholar athelete but also The road of a Champion is what make's him love to compete:

Copyright © | Year Posted 2010

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Date: 6/10/2010 8:01:00 AM
Again this is remarkable to say the leased.
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Date: 6/10/2010 8:00:00 AM
This should be on the bullitin-board in the. N.F. L. and Major-league Baseball: real nice Wayne
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Date: 5/28/2010 10:54:00 AM
Enjoyed reading your poetry and I thank you for sharing it with us Wayne. Have a wonderful weekend filled with good health love and loads of inspiration. Love, Carol
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