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The Rising Sun

To watch the disk of life, illuminate give birth to colors, hold dear it speaks to my spirit, my implicate innate there is nothing in this world to fear each living tree three hundred year each year all the more to contemplate for we are kept alive by this warmth so clear returning forever, every year a new slate it does not judge, it bathes you in light. But while I enjoy summer, others will fight.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2008

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Date: 11/1/2009 7:29:00 PM
The sun is like God, always there. Oh, of course, I don't believe God judges either, I believe we do a pretty good of that all by ourselves, about others as well as our own self. Anyway, a very write, beautiful images brought to mind through your words. Thanks for sharing and thank you for your comments on my poem. Caroline.
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