The Red Jacket Resort
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I went into town for usual errands yesterday
A nice day with everything seeming fine
I came home to news of the Red Jacket Resort on fire
It is the largest historic resort in town, nearby
The fire was huge, 20 departments from out of town responded
People jumped from balconies to get out for their lives
3 people were injured, but thankfully not life threatening
It was built from the start in the 1800’s, having new owners recently
A luxurious place to visit with many things in the size of it
It is on a hill where coverage showed smoke bellowing out
The main road was shut down as 75 rooms were destroyed
Today, I saw it with half of it gone, a bulldozer and media there
For now, there is no cause determined, as people wait for answers
Heidi Sands
Copyright © Heidi Sands | Year Posted 2022
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