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The Rebellious Man

The Rebellious Man If love was meant to be Dare he stand before his own soul And deny it Will he risk his broken heart Should he turn aside from the path of breaking And the making of destiny Call fate in an inconstant hand And rebel at being dragged kicking and screaming From his peaceful world Than have to face the anguished and raptures of love Dare he risk his mended heart Though he may end in the grey faceless world Would it have been better To have waved his banner and made his stand Can he risk his rebellious heart The final emptiness of all his endeavors is looming The last lines of romanticism and poetry Sucked from his marrow To escape the rebellion of love And pin his blindfold donkey’s tail of words To a thoroughly kicked Ass Does he risk the cracks in his own plasterwork The battalions of emotions assault every barricade Scramble over the beautifications beatitudes Hungry dogs of their own salvation They leave him naked To struggle upon the win or lose And in a T-shirt muse he is proclaimed Should he risk his win or lose of her heart Or bow upon acceptances knee With fair judgment judge so fastidiously Lay bare his warrior heart for all to see Carry on the fight through the trench wrought fields Merely to save a rose from hell Should he risk his own; to the win or lose of her heart

Copyright © | Year Posted 2009

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Date: 5/19/2009 10:08:00 AM
Doubt they say is the quest of faith ... ambiquity the knowledge of self ... courage the gift of the gods ... a man who carry them in one vessel is called a poet ... and a great one you are!
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Date: 5/19/2009 5:54:00 AM
Life, so they say, is nothing without taking risks. I agree with Christie in this reminding me of it is better to have loved and lost...So, although it is easy for someone on the sidelines to say go for it, it is what I say. It is most likely what I would do. Always excellent Colin. If you sent your work to a publisher, they would no doubt offer to pay you. I am quite serious. Your loyal fan, Shar
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Date: 5/18/2009 11:21:00 AM
The rebellious nature in us all love to go for the impossible...this write has filled my mind with a lot to think about..deep and well written...thanks for the comments.
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