The Ravine
Looking down into a deep ravine
The shadows cast dark shapes
That hid the jagged rocks and empty spaces
There were noises of movement from within
And a sense of foreboding overtook him
He decided to climb down using the ledges
Feeling his way as he lowered himself
The apprehension he felt deepened
As the shadows lengthened
Still the movement sounds continued
Suddenly he came face to face with the creature
With an indescribable face
As he drew his revolver he pointed it at creature
And backed away without thinking
What his next move would be
The creature was as startled as him
And it back away into a dark deep cave
He considered what to do for a moment
Until thinking better of the whole thing
He climbed out of the ravine and back to the top.
© Paul Warren Poetry
Copyright © Paul Warren | Year Posted 2019
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