The Rain Taps Upon My Window
When nightfall descends and the rains tap upon my window
how do I know the light will come again
how do I know tomorrow will just not stall
and I will be stuck
stuck with thoughts written down in fairy books
perhaps becoming a prophet
pulling punches a top a Mary Poppins
but stop
the theives still rape the night
pillaging with their spilt ales
and self-induced wails
oh but the horrors the night brings
the window taps get louder now
sleep checks on the clock
but fails to blink
seconds turn to hours
—it feels like days
the shadows play tricks
silhouettes stalk my being
my mind won't slow
it's racing towards the finish line
Is that where the answers lie
as yesterdays have already lied to me
in false promises
sedated sits hope
never again living
lost in a lucid dream
or so it seems
the here, the now, the know
a one act play putting on her show
jumping in with both feet
my thoughts are wet with wonder
trapped in the spell I'm under
trip, fall, come see it all
a picture show in slow motion
thru the raindrops I smell the ocean
wild and free
oh I long to be
but if this candle burns
and if their flickers move
I'll run away, I'll run away fast
deep inside with the promises
yet to be held to truth
the rain taps upon my window
the winds brush across the trees
I drift
I drift
I drift
Copyright © Tim Smith | Year Posted 2018
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