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The Quest for Restless Orbit

Wandering alone with a heart that’s aching evidence The fences you’re always sitting on, more numerous than my internal injustices Not that I can really talk Choking on all my hypocrisies And biting my tongue in place of healing through the words “I disagree” We were just time wasted from landfill clocks I’m desperate for acknowledgement, but destined for an argument And I’m just wasted atoms from the black hole my souls inhabited I‘m remembering your transgressions like a crow remembers faces And I wouldn’t underestimate my mental documentation; So many contracts and blood pacts that I don’t even know I’m in More violent and numerous than all my internalized injustices But did you leave to save yourself or because you didn’t want the blame of not saving me? My feet were dragging And my heart was aching so much evidence You’re bluer than a detective But did you also need to stop and hang up the badge After solving this? They didn’t find a murder weapon because they can’t convict intelligence But I see it in my head and I miss it And my repressed stockholm syndrome is how I’m holding up with this I’m self-aware enough to observe it but never to concede it Talking about being there on our wedding days, Knowing without rose-colored glasses, I’d believe it; In my head I lived it Would I have to pull the trigger for you to feel devastation? Did I have to flail in a pool of blood for you to see that my life was ending? Commit to me how I’m committed to the asylum I store my files in There’s locks on the cabinets, But I always open them up when the doctors come to visit And so I’m still nestled on a paper thin mattress, Feeling dolefully imprisoned But they didn’t find the murder weapon because they can't condemn self-severance

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Book: Shattered Sighs