The Promise - Part Ii
my skin
was once smooth
now feels
like unpaved cement
placing roses
on my grandmother's grave
you found me
right outside the gated cemetery
you placed roses in my hand
before your fingers became entangled in mine
you touched my face
you kissed my cheek
and then my forehead
then the tears
my tears
nearly soaked up your black trench coat
are you overwhelmed
i am
and devastated too
i am
now i am swearing to the wind
drenched in an awkward winter rain
my skin once smooth
drenched in an awkward winter rain
drenched in an awkward winter rain
his hands
and his fingers
and his rough skin
yesterday was happening
all over again
but you said it wouldn't
you promised...
Copyright © Chante Reeves | Year Posted 2019
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