The Power of Prayer, You Beat It Once
Jimmy, you beat it once
but now it's back, full force
Now we shall see the power of prayer
to remove the threatening dark horse
Cancer is a vile disease
we were with you then
and we are with you now
to practice the power of prayer
Though this time is not as the last
for one who is in Priestly study,
to show compassion as a friend
and pray as a theology student
yes one can do both, perhaps
that may make it more powerfull
that power of prayer, that we share
I want you to know that it is there
you beat it once with the power of prayer, you can do it again.
May the Lord grasp that cancer and pluck it from your body, and bring you back
to the wholeness you were, for yourself and Linda my Q10, my best friend.......
In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit We Pray.............
Copyright © Richard Pickett | Year Posted 2010
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