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The Power of Choice

Who initially determined what is good and what is bad? What to think, and what not to ask? Why the hell doesn't anyone else voice more questions like that? Why are most people sheep that get caught up In Corruption, which evokes disturbances within their DNA that promotes external long-lasting destruction? These polluted ideas the media sinisterly pumps, the more their smile turns, the more ours become a less innocent one. False power increases with the more sheep they recruit to herd. The evil Shepards of the dark world know weak minds hang on to their every word. I wonder if those sheeple know they have a choice. You can follow the crowd or find your inner voice. I, like many at a young age, was drilled with the notion you must obey. You can't have that until you do this. You shouldn't say that, God doesn't like disrespectful dirty kids. Taught to be someone I was not and never understood the power of self-thought. Growing in age it's become more clear, everything I was taught was based on someone else's fear. It's these false mantras that have traveled many bloodlines through. It's all the lies our ancestors passed onto us, that I promise you are not true. We don't need a life guidebook to abide by. The way we choose to live and think is a choice, that should be yours or mine. No social standard or trend will dictate what I do. I will not join the crowd of following people who have no real clue. If you don't break the cycle of doing what they tell us to, then you will never be free from the chains of past ancestral curses and people's fears bestowed on you. I'm choosing to think thoughts of my own and feel things as I should and not the way I was told. It's not going to happen overnight. These are years and years of words I have to rewrite. Grab a hold of YOUR life, you have the power of choice. Don't forget when you speak to use your voice.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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