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The Percussion of Perfection -

There is a beat to the world, it burns and bites, it can calm & comfort, it will arouse and it will anger, it is a romantic rhythm, immutable and immaculate, an unselfish music it is, life provides this sensative song and we all perfom a dance of danger, delight,& determination as a humble gratuity for it's majesty, how could any rational person contend that Nature is imperfect, who dares accuse life of wrong doing, how does such turgidity exist, minds on meger budget, oh but they do, ugly creatures of hollow heads have argued so pompously to indict the cosmos with error like how fowl beggars cavil about quality of charity, huffing, moaning, and squirming in their rationalizations for feeling indignant about life inglorious as dirt on silk, wrangling like gluttonous mosquitoes, vile & clumsy, if they were to admit life's absolute perfection then more self accountability for actions need ensue, how could they slander Deity without blame, I spoke to a religious zealot, pious as pain to wounds, he said, oh no, life, including human discretion cannot be perfect for there is sin and gross debauchery, I discussed the matter with a scientist, calculating as the I.R.S., he replied, no no, you play semantic games, nature is immensely imperfect, like the price of fame, I politely requested an example of imperfection from him, he smugly said, " genetic mutations ", what unabashed ego I thought, his response seemed word game, I debated a logician on the subject, thorough as an army ant this one was, she remarked that the idea of imperfection could cause imperfect reality, I said, if anything occurs it must be, otherwise it would not happen, imperfection is that which should not happen, all that becomes real is present time impeacability - J.A.B. %

Copyright © | Year Posted 2013

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Date: 8/29/2014 2:43:00 PM
Your philosophy intrigues me. I wish to know more. Perfection is reached in love...the perfect moment. I love how you write with passion and persistence...defending your thoughts. It shows valor.
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Bordner Avatar
Justin Bordner
Date: 8/30/2014 7:38:00 PM
You make it instinctive and joyful my Beloved Poetess...Justin
Manassian Avatar
Eileen Manassian
Date: 8/30/2014 6:07:00 AM
Your posts are as beautiful as your poems, Justin.
Bordner Avatar
Justin Bordner
Date: 8/29/2014 8:06:00 PM
I desire to embrace your wish with heart unselfish, to share experience, perception and inspiration is good affection. I like it when we talk about life and love Eileen. You are so beaitifully correct, beliefs and valor must coexist, like roots to roses. We choose our perfection woman, as we make our love. J.A.B.
Date: 2/14/2013 8:20:00 PM
Taking percussion is good Justin, you went far and deep with this poem... this world this games are what you indicate above.. a very clever person you are.. xox~ LINDA
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Justin Bordner
Date: 2/15/2013 1:32:00 PM
Thanks Linda - I'm only as clever as my ignorance allows me to be - I truly believe that Imperfection does not exist - its a personal philosophy that I embrace because I am currently unable to disprove it with logic or Faith - sometimes this belief, or precept of faith is difficult to adhere to because of all the misery in world, all the causalties of Life, but these tragedies do not make Life imperfect -
Date: 2/5/2013 2:10:00 PM
Awesome poem....You sure are great at expressing...I love your poems. :-)
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Justin Bordner
Date: 2/6/2013 1:20:00 PM
Thank you Virginia - all of my effort is so well worth it knowing that good, strong people can somehow gain from my process - thanks for the love - J.A.B. %
Date: 2/5/2013 1:39:00 AM
This is incredible and oh so insightful. Thanks a mill for sharing this with us. 8) Always, Laura
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Justin Bordner
Date: 2/5/2013 12:49:00 PM
Laura, you are a loyal friend and artist, and also perfect - J.A.B. %
Date: 2/4/2013 4:15:00 PM
Wow. This flows really well firstly. Secondly, I like how everyone argues about imperfection. If you ask me, theirs beauty in flaw.
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Justin Bordner
Date: 2/5/2013 12:46:00 PM
Yes Jay, the beauty of "Flaw" is that it possesses great potential for increased value - Flaws and follies manifest because they are reacting to the consequence of existense itself. It seems so very difficult for most people to consider honestly, that 'everything happens for a necessary reason', hence the product can not be imperfect or wrong - J.A.B. %

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry