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The Path Taken Part 3

While the doctor who is responsible for his care in the hospital had dexterity and grace in his fingertips, he also has humility in his heart. He was interview in for the 9:00 pm newscast, but he took no credit for himself. He gives glory to the sovereign of the universe. Wounded in the line of duty, now he is proud to serve, but that particular honor is one he would have chosen to forgo. Only then he would not have met her. She intrigues him the same way that mathmatical word problems did when he was a scholar. (You know the ones i refer to. "If train A is moving at speed X, and train B is moving at speed Y, where will they collide?" The answer, of course, is in the parking lot at the police station in Chicago.) She intrigued him because he couldn't decide if she was running away from something or running towards something better. Wasn't usually this difficult for him to 'read' people. He mulled over the dilema in his mind and finally decided it must be a little of both. But, what exactly was she searching for? She had done a lot of praying while she was waiting for him to wake up. Praying and soulsearching. Her mind kept insisting that if he hadn't been forced to take the time to ask her to move inside, without regard for the brevity of that moment, perhaps he may have found a better place of concealment. Perhaps he would not have been shot. She had not pulled the trigger on the drug dealers pistol, but somehow felt as if she had. Feeling to blame isn't rational, but she does. She cannot help but wonder if the criminal feels as much guilt. She knows nobody in the city, save the people she met at the police station. She is inspired by the faithful regard there is between members of this unit. Every one of the cops that was on duty during the shooting came to the hospital when they got off work. Some that weren't on duty at the time also showed up. The small waiting area quickly surpassed its maximum capacity. She was decided. She would very much like to know all of these people better. She knows that getting a glimpse of their lives will greatly enrich hers. Tune in next week for more .

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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