The Pains of Regrets
In the shadows of what could’ve been
lies regret,
They haunt every corner of your soul,
making it impossible to forget.
A weight that lingers and sometimes
tears you apart,
As they take a firm hold over your
In the quiet hours of the night,
silently, they creep.
These uninvited guests disturb and
rob you of your sleep.
Regrets, like needles, pierce deep
into the soul.
Leaving scars that never heal but
continue to control.
Of choices made or words unspoken,
Oh, how we wish we could rewrite
our past,
To undo the mistakes made and gain
peace at last.
But time continues to march on,
day by day,
Leaving us with memories of things
that went wrong, some of which
we dare not say.
And lessons learnt amidst the pain
changed our vision.
For in our regrets, there lies great
It’s through mistakes we learn and
grow strong,
Thus giving us the courage to admit
and accept when we are wrong.
Accepting regrets as part of our
life’s story could set us free.
They are reminders to tread carefully,
enjoy life in the present while
cherishing every glory and just be.
Copyright © Zyrool Gifford | Year Posted 2024
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