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The Pacemaker

Although I was retired and full of energy, My heartbeat was irregular and slow. They would beat slow, pause, and restart. I never saw it coming, but I was slowly dying. I passed out several times, but still was clueless. I quickly awaken after each pass-out, but there Was one occasion when I passed out in the kitchen. I was all alone and asleep on the kitchen floor, and my Son awakened me. Had I been home alone, I would have Surely died. Sometime after that incident and after turning 65, I went in for a physical exam. My primary doctor, among Other things, checked my heart and referred me to a cardiologist. The heart specialist spoke plain language to me with great analogy. The cardiologist informed me that our hearts come with a pacemaker, But mine was like a 6-cylinder engine with 2 or 3 spark plugs malfunctioning. Their solution was the insertion of a pacemaker that would greatly assist my Heart. With an 8-year life span, the pacemaker would interact with the heart. It would set the pace for the rate and number of beats per minute normally Required for me. I was reluctant to their remedy, but 6 months later, I was Provided a pacemaker. I tell you, she's the size of a wrist watch, and sitting Just below my left shoulder is a warrior, a tropper, a pace-setter who has been Fighting for me and my heart for 7 years, keeping us alive. With one pill and An aspirin a day, my pacemaker, expected to serve me for 8 years, is doing Just fine. God, the love of my life, is GOOD, and His Grace is sufficient. 051422PSCtest, How you live or have been healed from a difficult and challenging health condition, Angela Tune

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 5/14/2022 2:56:00 PM
Hello Curtis, You will do just fine with the heart pacer. My husband had one and he lived a long life. I named him the energized bunny. Enjoy your day my friend.
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De Beaulieu Avatar
Darlene De Beaulieu
Date: 5/18/2022 3:27:00 PM
Hello Curtis, I am happy to hear from you. I am pleased you have lots of energy. Blessings my friend. Blessings.
Johnson Avatar
Curtis Johnson
Date: 5/17/2022 7:40:00 PM
SO GOOD TO HEAR FROM YOU. I too have plenty of energy. Thanks. Blessings.
Date: 5/14/2022 1:18:00 PM
Thank God for pacemakers and the surgeons skills. So pleased to read you are healed Curtis. Best wishes… Belle
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Johnson Avatar
Curtis Johnson
Date: 5/17/2022 7:40:00 PM
Thanks Bell. Doing great. Bless you.

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