The Official Comedy
Maybe I walk in your shoes,
Perhaps you sleep like my loops,
Probably, this is an unimaginable satire,
Inside your head, I can never born again and be a disaster.
Perhaps I am only your necessity,
Probably, I walk on springs,
Maybe you don't possess earthly possessions,
In your hands, my name is nothing but an arcade.
Maybe you know I am your closest friend,
Perhaps I am not a suitable companion,
Probably, your thoughts about me are just a cliche,
In your mind, I am nothing but a sense of consciousness.
I know you will not follow my path,
I understand you value yourself more than my prestigious circles,
You belong to the official comedy,
I beg you to sacrifice your passion for one last time.
I cannot be your passion,
Perhaps I am more than that,
Maybe you've got none,
But you will get a better one!
Copyright © Abir Sawran | Year Posted 2024
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