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The Nature Preserve

I don't know many people so urbanized they would not prefer a nature preserve and star light for neighbors, day and night, over a new developed suburbanization. Not too many people smile when they drive by a familiar farm with woodlands, now scraped and scaped, graveled and turfed, cut down and razed with concrete foundations, ready for more humans not preserving natural relations with more diverse species. Nature preserves promote both natural and spiritual reserves. External nature preservation emotionally walks senses feels and smells and touches internal spiritual reserves, sanctuary, sacred habitat. Most of us still cherish natural multicultural places as also spiritual polyphonic spaces to visit, know as cherished neighbors. Few of us still live and love as residents among sacramental traces of past Paradise. Even if right-brain's emotional integrity of Earth sensed as an interdependent matriarchal reservation for restoring justice through multicultural preservation of inclusively democratic peace has atrophied to prefer the smell of asphalt and chemically treated turf, Together, we can still remember sacred ecological relationships, glowing star lit nights, cherished campfire habitats following only DNA's inspired multicultural health as spirited happiness regenerating prosperity instructions. Natural wisdom that what is good, even for autonomous ego-development, is also healthy for sacred Nature's preservation, including Humane Places, natural sacramental voices, emotionally and cognitively intelligent Reservations about what is healthy progress and what is impoverishing regress aggressive transgress. Often, in left-brain dominant prose, We invest capitalized empowerment intention in unnatural domesticated places, re-nouns and pro-nouns more Proper, speaking of independent ego-autonomy's drive-by missions, And, we fail to naturally reserve more capitalization for what feeds our Spiritual Integrity Preservation.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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