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The Mysterious Women's Restroom

I accidentally stepped into the women's restroom Turned around to quickly leave Noticed there was no one there Then turned back around for a manly peak What the ladies do in here Has always been a mystery So I lurked about and scouted out To let all the other men know what I've seen First thing right off the bat I noticed What appeared to be a sofa against the wall Thinking it a pretty fancy toilet Not to be hidden in a stall As curiosity was killing this cat I went over to lift the lid The guys will never believe this A couch is really what it is No wonder the women take so long When they say they'll be right back They all head together to the restroom To take themselves a little nap Then over on the counter I see bottle after bottle after bottle of perfume I know that girls like to smell nice But you have to wonder exactly how good Just then I decided to crawl under the counter A little more in depth into the mystery That's when I heard the voices Coming down the hallway at me I can't tell you how many hours I was stuck in that bathroom stall But I can tell you it felt like forever As the women jabbered and talked... ...and this being a holiday weekend They shut the lights and locked the door Which I guess is okay since I needed a break And no one's here to hear me on the couch as I snore

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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Date: 9/1/2016 6:28:00 PM
Good imagery there Mike….lol!:)
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Date: 8/30/2016 7:40:00 PM
Very funny, Mike. I knew I could count on you!
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