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The Murder Weapon

It was a mystery The death of her twin sister Helen became jittery On the manner death had kissed her. These few words sister could only say “It was the speckled band” Before her last breath drifted away The context Helen couldn’t understand. To solve her sister’s death mystery And fearing it could now be her turn She told the scary story To Sherlock Holmes with great concern. The sleuth was confused by the word band Was the criminal the gypsy roaming around Committing the crime as planned Or someone else out of bound? Holmes searched for the physical clue Saw the ventilator of stepfather Roylott’s room Sister’s room it opened to Through which danger could loom. In sister’s room Holmes heard hissing sound Coming from Roylott’s room on one night He then rushed there and found Swamp adder snake slithering in dim light. Holmes attacked the snake with dexterity skilled Onto Roylott’s head it was thrown The mastermind behind the crime was killed By the murder weapon of his own. ______________ August 23, 2022 Contest : Start Sleuthing Sponsored by : Natasha L Scragg

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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