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The Mountain

I heard of a tale Way high in the mountain You'll find everlasting youth If you drink from the fountain No one has ever laid eyes To say that it exists An adventure I'm ready for To explore and go find it It's said the path only shows In the moon's full light So my journey begins In the dead of the night So I start at the base Gorgeous mountain before me I am excited to hike In fresh air for exploring I spot a family of deer Half way up the mountain I lost track of the miles Got distracted from countin The sun starts to set As I round the bend The full moon starts to rise Light of day at an end My anticipation it builds The moon's lit up the path My eyes are the first to see it I don't know how to react A beautiful waterfall Way atop on the mountain I have found it at last There sits the fountain So I pull out my cup Dip it in for a drink The water is refreshing Whipping sweat as I think Satisfied I have found it My adventure's worth wile Now full of new energy My woken inner child No one will believe me I'll hear argues and shoutin At least I know it's true I found it on the mountain Written 3-2-19

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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