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The Morning Rush

The Morning Rush Early to bed early to rise, makes one healthy and wise.... So here I am, wide awake and awaiting sunrise.... The millionaires, they sleep on, not a surprise... If they awake before noon, that itself is an event..... For even when they sleep, their money they make.... Why awake up early, more money to be raked... The poor working man, well before sunrise he awakes... Just so he would not be caught in traffic jams or be late... He deludes himself into thinking being up bright and early... He gets all the morning worms and he'll be as chirpy as can be.... Ballyhoo, what a fallacy, that is plain lunacy... Awakening early is a sin, a criminal act bordering on insanity.... Forgoing precious early morning sleeping hours... Just to hit the road to be an early one to report for duty... What a sad delusionary perspective to a beautiful morning...

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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