The Moon Princess: Part Two
"What were you doing around here," I said.
"Don't you know what happens to men who are
Caught by my huntresses?"
The man built up his courage and stood up
His eyes traveling the course of my body.
My body would not be used to pleasure him so,
I swiftly punched him in his jaw.
My renewed strength was a blessing
For it sent the man flying back to the ground.
I murmured a thanks to Zeus for clear skies this night.
"O beautiful Artemis," he quickly said. "I only had one wish,
That was to be able to see you in your glory.
Though it may cost me my life; It was well worth the price."
His prattle scratched at my nerves.
"You stupid man," I said to him.
"I will spare your life for it will not be I who kills you."
I snapped my fingers and the man was transformed into a Weasel.
His new body let out a human-like squeak of surprise.
I held my hand out and my spear came soaring
Through the air straight into the palm of my hand.
The spear head began sparking and I grinned joyously
As the weasel began to try to escape
From the circle my huntresses had formed around him.
"It is quite obvious that you thought I would spare your life so,
You could go back to your friends and tell tales about surviving me.
For that, your death shall be one of humiliation
Without any degrees of honor. Dishonor shall be placed on your family."
All of my huntresses began summoning their spears
And the weasel began to dance around the circle agitated.
Taking turns, the girls began stabbing at the weasel.
Occasionally, they would scratch the worthless animal.
My heart swelled with pride as one of my girls
Finally managed to spear the weasel.
She lifted her spear into the air, holding the carcass up
For all to see. The girls roared in applause.
My heart felt huge in my chest
As I watched the girl's sisterhood bond.
They and the moon were all that I would ever need.
The girls dropped the carcass to the side of the field
And they began to head back to our camp.
Once they were gone, I looked up at the moon
as the light swirled back around me like a good bye.
And so the sun came up and I retired to the camp
The girls had set up for us to wait out day,
Before we could travel again
Under the peaceful darkness of the night
With the light of my mighty moon.
Copyright © Tasha Taylor | Year Posted 2015
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