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The Moon Is Shocked By Las Vegas

You should take a peek the night winds told the moon. He was hesitant at first, they are such gossips who swoon. They are not lying, the evening stars hissed into his ear. This city is up all night, slumber is not revered or dear. The moon took a tiny peek from the top of a road. He was shocked at the amount of silver and gold. What is this place? He asked. They should be asleep. They are gambling fools, taking risks and a leap. This is Las Vegas, the casinos educated the moon. People come here and act crazy like some kind of loon. They have to take out loans, a temporary balloon. To pay their gambling debts. Our owners sing the tune. But it is time to sleep, the Moon said to them. He did not like this foolish place, built on a whim. Its lights, cameras actions, day, noon and night. The Moon truly wanted to turn out the light.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 3/11/2022 10:07:00 AM
I think some of the losers would like to turn out the light, too.
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Krutsinger Avatar
Caren Krutsinger
Date: 3/12/2022 5:06:00 AM
I am sure some of them had to turn out their lights, eventually losing their home. My mother said after the casino was built 30 minutes from my hometown several couples in their 60's spent so much time there they lost their houses and movd in with their elderly parents!

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