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The Moon Carries a Rope

A strange, eerie, black feeling of despair, I am lost, alone, no one seems to care except the Moon who appears and prepares. He throws me a long rope, yelling, "Catch hold!" Noticing my doubt, "Have no fear!" he scolds - "Believe!" I beam as unknown scheme unfolds. Watching down below as upwards we soar, I see Daddy and his friends - and Moon roars, "Look, they're searching!." as my hope I restore. Gently rocking mid air, the sky, my bed, Moon covers me with clouds' blanket, my spread. He lays me down on the path up ahead. I awake as my head they elevate "What's this long rope for?" one friend speculates. Starting to tell them, yet I hesitate... "I found it ... while playing down by the creek and followed it up to where this hill peaks." Begging, "Can I keep it?" my tale I tweak. February 18, 2020 Edward Ibeh's contest: Pick a Title 14, Tristitch In a literary context, the term felix culpa can describe how a series of unfortunate events will eventually lead to a happier outcome. fortunate fault.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 3/13/2020 8:58:00 PM
Reason, a fantastical flight of fancy, showing off your amazing imagination and wordsmithing talents. Congrats on your win in the tristich contest ~ John
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Reason A. Poteet
Date: 3/14/2020 3:04:00 PM
I thank you, John, your encouragement lifts my soul on this rainy day in S. Indiana. I don't often win anything in the Premiere contest so I am pleased with the 8th place. I welcome your comment and commendation.
Date: 3/13/2020 6:59:00 PM
Heartiest congratulations of your win in my premiere contest, Reason A:-) I really loved this interesting, fascinating personification piece
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Reason A. Poteet
Date: 3/14/2020 3:05:00 PM
I thank you, Edward, I don't do fantasy often; but it is the child in me, showing some life. Have a great day.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things