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The Mirror

What I see is a reflection of what the universe has wrought, Amidst the stardust and the starlight an image of space, Dark and cold, voiceless and void, Tempered with time the vanity has dimmed, The excellence gone, A window to the soul or a window to the seasons of life, The pane holds the tears which roll as a winter’s rain, Mirror, mirror on the wall who is the fairest one of all?

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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Date: 12/20/2017 3:55:00 PM
Hi Thomas, You have penned such a deep and thought provoking write. I instantly thought of the song "Man In The Mirror" by Michael Jackson . You last line caused me think about "Snow White". I agree, we do see ourselves and the world differently as we age. It was my pleasure to read such a write:-) Alexis
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Date: 10/17/2017 4:02:00 AM
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Thomas Hsi
Date: 12/27/2017 4:14:00 PM
Thank you Eldah. I've been busy with short stories, but I'd like to read your work in the future.
Date: 10/4/2017 5:20:00 PM
Nice imagery.
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Thomas Hsi
Date: 12/27/2017 4:13:00 PM
Thanks Hamilton. I've been a little remiss at reading the poetry of others, as I've been busy with other things. But I plan to read your work in the future.
Date: 9/4/2017 10:51:00 AM
Your kind verses is like a friendly hand sharing from personal experience and finding ”common recollections” or feeling of the world. Best regards.
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Thomas Hsi
Date: 9/10/2017 10:09:00 PM
Thank you. Personal experience and "common recollections" you are so correct. Time just keeps marching on.
Date: 9/3/2017 8:56:00 PM
Like dynamic reaching's of The Mirror. beautifully said. Peace, Love an Joy
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Thomas Hsi
Date: 9/10/2017 10:07:00 PM
Thank you John for reading my poem. Afraid to say, but I've really aged since my youth.
Date: 8/1/2017 5:41:00 AM
A deep poem to ponder on Thomas. what has Mankind wrought on the Universe though? Btw, Congrats on getting PM membership, Does that mean we will be able to hear some of your wonderful lyrics set to music?
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Williams Avatar
Maria Williams
Date: 8/2/2017 1:57:00 AM
Weapons of Mass Destruction, exactly!! Mother Nature takes and takes. I'm actually writing one now where Mother Nature has had enough. Shall see if I can put it on next week...Maria
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Thomas Hsi
Date: 8/1/2017 6:09:00 AM
Thank you for reading my poem and leaving a kind comment. What has Mankind wrought on the Universe? Well, deep space probes, explorations to Mars to name a few. On the Earth---a taming of the elements with weapons of mass destruction.
Date: 7/20/2017 5:01:00 AM
the poem made me think of a person - who is looking a there self age and try to see the wiser person and not the time going by
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Thomas Hsi
Date: 7/20/2017 11:07:00 AM
Thanks for stopping by and reading my poem. 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, it seems that when you age you think differently.

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry