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The Miracle of Life, a Tribute

Your mother didn't know how to make a child, she triggered her nature. Mother nature knew, and she knows and will always know how to turn a seed into a child. Bit by bit assembles life, under her ultimate protection, at an absolute hide away: In Her Body. ` ` A creative code, the miracle of life. The Process. Nature's inherent unborn will, to make something that counts time and floats around, in the lifeless emptiness, under the sun's lively light and the seas of water. In the millennia to follow nature invented mother to start with the ripen seed, a blueprint, life's code, some dna, to call it, The Devine Prowess, splits, to attract others to adhere, the one becomes two, and the two, four, and eight and a hundred, and a million and a zillion, carbon to carbon or oxygen, but not to helium, hydrogen to oxygen but not to iron, for the two joined, to seak to add others, and the simple took form, complicated. That's the ultimate, The Magical. ` Mother has plenty of materials, nature's littlest guys, invisible, atoms don't they call them ? oxygens and carbons, hydrogens, calciums and companies of them. Made by chance.... Don't need glue to stick together, naturally dictated eternal rules are life's function: each attract some, and don't attract some other, the attracted stick to each other and tie at the correct positions and right orientation, to build hands and noses, hearts and lungs, all of you and me, and all in the kingdoms of animals and plants. Miraculous, inviting attachees with the right form to stick, like they have dents, dimples and bulges to match and tie, males and females have too, or form their body parts to make, to stick together, to accomplish their organism's requests. Miracle. The Purpose. ` ` The miracle of life, the miracle of creation, a little rock never becomes big rock, but a little hand grows to its size to stop, a heart beats, an eye draws conclusions of the outside, and a brain gets interested and curious to explore, thus life learns living. ` What else than fulfillment can be felt by the organism thus created. Unbelievably true, mind cobbling, not investigated further, but fulfilling in its abstractness and only by its abstractness. ....the result includes that, that caused its creation, and starts making it again, to never vanish. ` Trying to find how it happens, the created looks at the skies.... ....religion knows very well to believe to The Creator, who if asked why it's happening, would say, Because.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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