The Midnight Sun Belongs To Alaska
The midnight sun belongs to Alaska
where children play and parents
lose all sense of time until fatigue
reminds them it it is time for shut eye
as they call it a night where dusk is
is a golden hue of stubborn phenomenon.
The midnight sun belongs to Alaska
where companies of mini-blinds sell
shades of black to create artificial
nighttimes for newly arrived folks
who are in need of a minimum
eight hours of sleep to stay sane.
The midnight sun belongs to Alaska
where twenty-four hour restaurants
have regular patrons who are the
night owls hooting over their cups
of coffee and discussing the number
of years they have survived in Alaska.
The midnight sun belongs to Alaska
where campers sit around their campfires
telling tall tales of Bigfoot and about
the halibut they caught which almost
won the first prize catch in Seward
as the embers are dying from neglect.
The midnight sun belongs to Alaska
as an ARR train whistle blows through
the sleepy towns in Matanuska Valley
while meandering moose and caribou
cross the railroad tracks to the other side
where the land is plush and more inviting.
The midnight sun belongs to Alaska
where the moon takes second place.
May 24, 2020
Copyright © Sonia Walker | Year Posted 2020
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