The Meaning of Life My Life and Any Life
We all need to realize,and know why we are alive so that we can act and be "Wise",and stay alive!"We are "Created" for "God's Pleasure"! That is simple and plain,and I say it in "Jesus Christ" "Holy Name".We are "Created" for "God's Pleasure". This is "The meaning of Life"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In "The Holy Bible", in "Revelations" 4: 11 It Says: "Thou art worthy, Oh Lord, to receive glory and honour and power:for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.We can "Now Realize" the meaning of "Our Lives". We are created for "God's Pleasure"!!!! Praise "The Lord"!The Red,Yellow,Brown,Black,and White can now see "for sure" why we are created'and know why we are created,and realize the meaning of "Life"!!! We are created for "God's Pleasure"!!! We create things for our "pleasure" ,so "Our God" created us for "His Pleasure" to let us "All Realize" that we are a "Product" of "The Lord God Almighty's Creation"!!! Can I get A wittiness? We "Create" so it makes "common since to believe that there is someone who created us,and "He is "Lord" over us !!!!!!! We say "Praise The Lord" because we realize that "The Lord Is God!!!In PSALMS 100 : It says:Make a joyful noise unto the Lord ,all ye lands.............Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing. Know ye that the Lord he is God: it is he that hath made us and not we ourselves;we are his people,and the sheep of his pasture. Enter into his gates with thanksgiving,and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him,and bless his name.For the Lord is good:his mercy is everlasting:and his truth endureth to all generations. We are created for "God's Pleasure",and "That is the meaning of "Any Life" whether it be "Animate or Inaminate"!!!!The leaves fall from the "Trees",and the trees "REST",and bloom in the season when they are beautiful passing "God's " test after they rest!How can a "Blind Man or Woman"finally realize how to want to "SEE AGAIN"? Realizing "That the meaning of "Their Life" "IS TO PLEASE "THE LORD GOD ALMIGHT""AND SEE THAT FACT"! That is the meaning of any life:IS To please "The Master True"! The lord God Almighty"and "His "HOLY Nane is "JEHOVAH"! IT IS WRITTEN IN THE "HOLLIEST BOOK" called "The Holy Bible"!Muhhamad is still "DEAD" and was never raised from "The Dead!Muhhamad is a "Dead Prophet"! Jesus Christ is a "Living Prophet"and "The Son of "The Only Living GOD"!My God is "The Lord God Almighty",and his name is written in "The Holy Bible"!Lord God Almighty" is OVER The karaham and the Torah,and any other HOLY BOOK"!The true God is "The Master True"and his name is "LORD GOD ALMIGHTY! That makes "Perfect Since";No matter what anyone "Thinks"!
Copyright © Stephen Crenshaw | Year Posted 2020
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