The Many Talents of Boyce Brandon Harris Second Addition
Away from tireless desk job i.e.,which obliged
swearing allegiance, fealty, loyalty within complex
edifice, where obsolete quaint rubric, schematic,
thematic mantra "We Bring Good Things to Life,"
met with gnawing, emerging, chomping
objectionable quandary. The sedentary station
exhausted, milked usurped mental energies
linkedin hinged upon the figurative linchpin
sans contractual mandates. Steady employment
obliged conferring, forsaking, invoking credo,
ethos, hierarchical jujitsu marrying obligatory
penance requisite at General Electric, (which
daily tasks borne with gravitas witness
to crunching numbers vis a vis from gifted
mathematical application, and scientific mind).
Thus decades on end, my father remained
steadfast on this straight and true decree,
whereby dad (analogously applied his
Semitic nose to the whet grindstone)
applying inherent and learned math
ematical/ scientific principles respectively.
He made excellent use of mechanical en
gineering degree (earned free of charge
at Brooklyn City College viz Veterans benefit).
Copyright © Matthew Harris | Year Posted 2017
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