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The Majestic and Angelic Iris

The majestic and Angelic Iris The majestic and Angelic Iris. Layered in thick scales, pure as snow, Claws curved into sharp, black knives Piercing the ground before her. Prowling the land Searching for her own, Growling a fierce roar into Every living soul that bow before her. The sun rises over the horizon Pouring light into the dark caverns That surround its home. Her soft and gentle eyes Flicker with hope and pride entombed In a lifeless grey. Peering out from under her jagged Yet slim black lips are Crystals. Teeth that is Teeth that glimmer of Boldness and pure strength. Silver whiskers flutter in the sweet and hot air Of England. Sulking from above, eyeing the kingdom That destroyed her soul, mind, and heart truly. She bellows in anger, once a god like-creature Now ashamed, cloaked in self-pity And hatred. Lying abroad in a shack, filled with the cold air Of loneliness, hiding in the shadows’ Of despair. He awaits for a friend. A persona of which is more powerful And confident. A Persona that can accomplish Vast goals and maintain its humble appearance. A friend who can guide him As he journeys through life. A friend that he can truly call upon. Being the lone outcast, who can he call on? A mother and father who He can never claim? Or the local messenger boy, who is Overlooked by all? Both characters lie in the dark Polar opposites, bound by the blindness that towers Over them, like a thunderous cloud. And bound forever inside that they will Never find the one, who can share its heart. Calming the land as its own. The weary dragon sets on to be destroyed As the monster… everyone sees. Spreading its wings, gliding through The air, hearing the wind linger across A damaged and scared face. The Iris clashes into the village, spewing fire, slashing its 72ft wing span against the, tactical team of warriors It used to protect. Rampaging through the lives And ways of the towns people. Until the very end. Glory rings in the boys hearty brown eyes As he ride through the waging war. Blocking the final blow To what would have ended the misunderstood dragon, Thrust himself onto the dragon, Pulling its cream fur, into the sky. As they set off into the wind. Landing safely, the boy begins to care for The battle scars, upon the tail-smacking blow to The head. Wondering how such a beautiful creature Can bestow so much pain and anger. The boy finds a shallow, and flat stone, Scaring himself in the same area around his arms, Placing the oozing blood on the dragon’s head. Symbolizing loyalty and forgiveness. Smelling the copper particles in the air The dragon snarls in dislike for as the boy Saved him from his Death. But the boy continues each day, Through rain, snow, and thunder. To prove its amity and honor, For they are destine to be. Only the dragon can relieve the hard times. A good heart vs. an Evil one. Each fated to conquer something great, Even if that is friendship.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2015

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Date: 5/5/2016 2:59:00 AM
Angel classified, this is an awesome poem, thank you for sharing. --SKAT
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Date: 4/22/2016 10:55:00 AM
Angel classified, nicely penned. Glad to read your poem today. Luv ~LINDA~
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Angel Classified
Date: 4/22/2016 10:58:00 AM
Thanks appreciate it writing new things is difficult

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