The Lover's Rendezvous
The Lover's Rendezvous
The wicked sense of a complete lack of control
has always led mankind down roads nobody knows
Until it unfolds
Until the Devil takes hold
Until the bodies get dumped in a hole
and the shrieking grandmothers,
whom you can never console,
clutch the little dead babies to their milkless breasts
So just confess! get it off your chest!
Peace in rest, and its all in jest
Confess! and brush the ashes from your vest
as you taxi your honey to your little lust nest
in laughter, caressed your sweet little Aryan cum-fest
as the grey snow fell, as if straight up from hell
The stench of burning flesh smell
as the guard dogs growled
and the cold wind howled
You traded a God of love
for a black leather glove
and oh yeah, lots of burning in hell
Copyright © Edward Wheeler | Year Posted 2018
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