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The Lockdown Phase

The Lockdown Phase Shrooti Singh "Never got an opportunity to have lunch with family! ",uttered father. His ecstatic face imparted the delectation and his longing to lunch with his children. Hard pressed under the strenuous work load, he was always unable to manage time for the homely menage. It was for the first time due to the Lockdown that not only he but the entire family was bought under the same roof. Getting back to home for almost after a year, my Mom receiving me with her eyes welled up with the love and care for her child through centuries, a shower of her immense adoration and bliss, making me realize there's no heaven above your mother's station. "Pass the chapatis, honey! ",urged my father. "Yes, darling ",Mom replied. A long lively conversation, exchange of jokes and memory daily on the dining table made my day, for me it was not a clamp down of the regular flow of life rather a cage of jubliance and a sense of satisfaction as I never saw my family laughing in a single smile altogether . "This is luscious! ",we all exclaimed unanimously ,licking our fingers. In the dearth of various food and household items, my mother regularly maintaining our house and preparing one dish to another, bringing the restaurant at home,doing all sorts of effort for whom? For us... This demonstrates what a house lady can do all alone on her own. Seeing this, me, father and my brother joined her. "Can't do more...Need rest.. ",I huffed. Up till now we all have learned a lot of cooking, cleaning and the art of keeping household. "Really, it requires a lot of strength and patience ! " mumbled my father to me. Me attending my classes online, studying and preparing for exams, meanwhile pursuing my passion of writing on the other hand my father carrying out his professional work, playing his old flute all at home, never thought that we would be able to utilize such a time together. "What else could be better! To help prevent the pandemic by staying at home with loved ones, performing our basic duties, helping others and donating the every way we can.", we all agreed.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 9/29/2024 11:30:00 PM
Thanks for sharing this... exposing your thoughts through your unique poetic style. Meanwhile, I greet you with the love of the Lord, expressed by John 3:16 of the Bible, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." Be blessed.
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Date: 7/17/2020 5:52:00 AM
That's the only positive side of the pandemic. Helps the family to share a great deal of things together...Nice work Shrooti :)
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Shrooti Singh
Date: 7/19/2020 7:53:00 AM
And it's absolutely true, I'm savouring every moment of it
Singh Avatar
Shrooti Singh
Date: 7/19/2020 7:51:00 AM
Thank you so much dear
Date: 6/19/2020 12:45:00 AM
Hello Harnoor. I believe I was sitting beside you when you wrote this, I love it. I am a sunset enthusiast, and I have a date with my daughter, as I should pass on to that sunset and be greeted by my wife and her mother. Thank you, for the beautiful reflection you've brought to my heart, I am humbled. Best of Wishes, William
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Shrooti Singh
Date: 6/19/2020 2:35:00 AM
I'm really grateful,it values and means a lot for me that my words could set up a connection to the souls.
Date: 6/19/2020 12:30:00 AM
Hello Seeya. Alright, I take you for you. At face value. You have written this wonderfully, You have "A Chance." I enjoyed it, thank you. Best of Wishes, William
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