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The Little People

Beneath the glare of billboards light breathes flames Off cars buses and pavement those flames speak And they create feelings hard to replace. Buildings caress the clouds space replaced Attitudes are unseen as anger speaks Arguments sparked from heat ignite more flames. Fear becomes pressure burned beneath what speaks This city has presence you can't replace But it thinks thoughts as different as each flame. That sparkling light and the astonishing brilliance of it is an apparition where flames actually breathe on those chosen to replace flames and change...

Copyright © | Year Posted 2015

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Date: 8/19/2015 6:24:00 PM
Imaginative bug illustrative!~Olive Eloisa
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Date: 7/24/2015 2:16:00 PM
I like your Little People.I enjoyed the magic triolet. I feel like looking from a skyscraper, or like in a poem by Farlingetty:In the centerof attention .As well it reminds me atmosphere.I am the cat climbed on the moon.FriendlyO.B.
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