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The Letter

"The Letter" "L" is for LOVE and the JOY that follows "L" is for Learning flies high like a Swallow "L" is for LIFE Lionheart all the rises and hollows "G" is for DAUGHTER, hearts 2 as 1, flying free on the 'morrow "L" is for Loquaciousness bees buzzing mouthfuls of honey "L" is for Listen there is more to Life than mere money "L" is for Linnet bird singing on the highest branch next to God "O" is for ONE, "I Am", forever in your blood "G" is for GLORY there is TRUTH to be seen "O" is for FREEDOM Little Bird, 2 Royal Queens free, follow their dreams (Lovejoy-Burton/Feb 2018) gvlm klb, mlb Aerial/ Kate Bush Meaning of the name Lynette: Linnet : A mainly brown and gray finch with a reddish breast and forehead. In Anglo-Saxon the meaning of the name Lynette is: Bird. In Celtic the meaning of the name Lynette is: Grace. In Arthurian Legend the meaning of the name Lynette is: Sister of Lyonors. In Arthurian legend Lynette accompanied Sir Gareth on a knightly quest.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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Date: 3/6/2018 1:22:00 PM
Nice presentation painted beautifully with your words. Love is intricate...........Love between mother and dauther is a holy love and despite many intircaices and complexities , it has very strong bonds
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Imtiaz Avatar
Muhammad Imtiaz
Date: 3/19/2018 3:31:00 AM
very true, LLB
Lovejoy-Burton Avatar
Leanne Lovejoy-Burton
Date: 3/6/2018 1:57:00 PM
You are very correct. That bond can never and will NEVER be broken. The links in this particular eternal chain are unbreakable...lesson to be learned to stand on one's own feet to find the TRUTH and walk with it.
Date: 2/20/2018 6:43:00 AM
Your daughter will always live in your heart, you carried her for 9 months, your back hurt, you got fat, but you did not care.. you faced the pain of labour and you caressed her and held her close... no child should ever forget that... Birds fly away to new pastures, but they always return ..
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Lovejoy-Burton Avatar
Leanne Lovejoy-Burton
Date: 2/20/2018 8:03:00 PM
It's not as simple as that. But you are correct Silent. Here is her legacy. Tomorrows are not guaranteed...for anyone.
Date: 2/19/2018 9:39:00 PM
Art blew me away! "flying free on the morror" very cool line! Leanne...lovely, intricate poem, very much enjoyed entire presentation! A Soup Masterwork! jimbo
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Lovejoy-Burton Avatar
Leanne Lovejoy-Burton
Date: 2/20/2018 2:18:00 AM
Thanks James. Intricate story, simple words, simple poem. Should be 'morrow. typo, corrected. Thanks for picking up!
Date: 2/19/2018 7:36:00 PM
Nice art with words...There's a magic to it...I like it...
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Leanne Lovejoy-Burton
Date: 2/19/2018 7:48:00 PM
Thanks Arturo, there's definitely a very special and strong magic to this story.

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