The Last Cuckoo of Autumn
The clocks go back on Sunday. Don't forget!
Another hour in bed for those that sleep
For those that don't, another hour to keep
On thinking of the things that we regret
Time rumbles on. We fumble to reset
Our cuckoo clocks and watch as all the sheep
We counted slowly slide back down the steep
And stony mountain in the mud and wet -
Oh wake me when the winter ends. I'll leave
The money for the shopping in the porch
Enough for tea bags, toilet roll, and torch
No need to stop, just knock and I'll retrieve
It later. Thanks. Don't call me, I'll call you
And don't forget the clocks! Cuckoo. Cuckoo.
© Gail Foster 31st October 2021
(In England we put the clocks back an hour at the end of October and forward an hour in the Spring, and try to remember which way round it is with the phrase 'Spring forward, fall back')
Copyright © Gail Foster | Year Posted 2021
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