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The Kiss

There was a boy and his name was Nick. He caught a virus and now he's sick. He can't go to church and he can't go to school, he can't eat anything but nasty gruel. He got sick because he was kissin' A girl with germs named Amanda McGlisson. The doctor came without delay and this is what he had to say: "You'd better go to a hospital soon or get up and eat; so grab that spoon! You should eat so you'll get strong, and you won't be here very long! You'll be outdoors doing things you like- like playing kickball or taking a hike! You can feed the chickens or ride the horse." "Can I look for bugs?" "Why yes, of course! You can play with Legos and climb the fence, wash your dog then rinse, rinse, rinse! Run through the meadows, jump through the fields! Look at the webs that the spider builds!" "Hand me those vitamins; give me those pills! I need to get rid of all of these ills!" So the doctor said, "Kid you should listen and take my advice; now don't be kissin' any little girl with a cough or cold, spores or germs or icky green mold! If you go against what I've said, Then you'll be right back in bed!"

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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Date: 4/29/2017 12:12:00 AM
Hahaha, this is a mirror of the poem I commented on a minute ago. Very funny :)
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