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The Hurt

Not since I was young have I felt a hurt such as this, at the words of strangers, Call me a liar, a fake, a whore - you don't know my story. Inside I curl into myself, I fold and break and hide - the glass of my own mirror cutting into my organs. The tears forming in my eyes unable to be reined back in. Oh f**K it hurts - they cut and slash and slice with their words. And I know that I let them win, this is just what they want, they want to hurt me deeper than my skin - and I let them. Maggots eating away my flesh, leaving me a bag of broken bones - they are the maggots and my insides are their home.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2014

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Date: 6/5/2014 8:46:00 PM
The hurt you feel is the reaction of your beauty on fire. The insects and bastards will choke on the truth of your beauty. I love your story Jay, and your poetry appeals to my soul J.A.B.
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