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The Hula Hoop

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The Hula Hoop Capitalizing on any given situation borderS, On acquisitiveness or generositY, Where both parties wanT More bang for theiR Buck, therebY CertifyinG CloseR AnD H A L C Y O N TieS WherebY EstablishinG A permanent unioN pilot fish eats large sharks parasites clean so the sharks do not eat them ***The above CONCRETE form is the statement described by its shape The below HAIKU form describes the statement via a natural event Being well-rounded I decided to call this the HULA HOOP 2019 August 19 *5th Place* Invitation to Play ~~Sheri Fresonke Harper

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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Date: 10/4/2019 9:12:00 PM
So cleaver and cute too~congrats on your top win.
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Hilo Poet
Date: 10/4/2019 9:22:00 PM
Thank you ~ Aloha always William
Date: 10/4/2019 8:53:00 PM
William, congratulations on your witty fifth place win in the Invitation to Play Contest. The multi-layered shape, sound, interconnections made it really enjoyable to read.
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Hilo Poet
Date: 10/4/2019 9:02:00 PM
Thank you ~ Aloha always William
Date: 8/22/2019 7:44:00 AM
William, this is a very interesting poem. The first stanza (Concrete form) is the general statement that sets up the Haiku, which is a concrete example (pun intended:) of the stanza #1 statement in action. The poem has balance, not only visually but conceptually, since the statement lends itself to the example, which further supports the statement, completing a circle as it were. Thus, the Hula Hoop poetry form! "And around, and around, and around it goes..." Nice idea, William! ~Mark
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Hilo Poet
Date: 8/22/2019 8:16:00 AM
As depicted and perceived, by allowing a poet to conceive a pictorial thought based on human values, then enhance its conclusion concept via a natural phenomenon -- HULA HOOP, thanks for an invigorating morning Mark ~ Aloha William

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