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The Horrible Accident

When I fired my gun at a criminal, I accidentally shot an innocent bystander. I made a horrible mistake, I was supposed to shoot someone else than her. The person who I accidentally shot was only eighteen years old and I killed her. The guilt I feel is too much to bear and I resigned, I'm no longer a police officer. When I shot and killed that girl, it was a horrible accident, I did not mean to do it. Even though the police academy trained me not to make such a mistake, I blew it. I shed tears every single day because I feel remorse. My wife can't take it anymore, she's getting a divorce. My wife constantly told me to get over it but she was beating a dead horse. I ruined my life, I've lost my wife and I had to resign from the police force. When I accidentally shot and killed that girl, it was a tragic thing to do. If you're a cop, I pray that what happened to me doesn't happen to you.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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