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The Heartbeat of the Cosmos

The heartbeat of the cosmos like the ticking of the clock, the pounding of a pulsar and sounds that never stop. A waterfall, a bouncing ball a bird upon a limb, whose chirping sounds, we find profound like Icarus in the wind. And ocean waves that roll away and break on distant shores, the cry of whales, the sigh of sails or knocking on a door. The swirls and twirls of galaxies and tornadoes through the skies, hurricanes and volcano flames that rise and come alive. Like the moon that’s bound to its earthly crown and the gift of falling rain, a Mystery moves this universe and the blood inside our veins… the pulsing of our own heartbeat no less than that of stars, connecting us to love and trust no matter just how far. © Terrell Martin, 02/18/2025

Copyright © | Year Posted 2025

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Date: 2/18/2025 2:57:00 PM
Beautiful poem connecting love with the infinite, mysterious universe. So much yet to explore. You're very talented
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Terrell Martin
Date: 2/18/2025 4:32:00 PM
Thank you for reading and providing your feedback, Tom. I appreciate your thoughts more than you know and glad you approve. Write on, Terrell

Book: Reflection on the Important Things