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The Heart Worn Lips

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"The Heart Worn Lips" She wore her heart on her lips as she spoke the white owl sitting on one shoulder hooting wisdom the black crow perched on the other hidden in shadow cawing dark things the voice made moderate in the in-between rolling out into the aether words like dice flying to land like black-winged strokes on a wholesome alabaster page the meaning captured more in the intonation than the visual puzzle left wide open and waiting unexplained for the taste of luck in the silent air, in circles the hungry eyes ever watching the heart worn in flight the lips stop speaking the mind takes over no sound endomorphism rings Candide Diderot. ‘24 "Endomorphism rings always have additive and multiplicative identities, respectively the zero map and identity map." “I can feel myself slowly fading from your mind.” "Silence is the sleep that nourishes wisdom."

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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