The Haunting At Darkwood Hall
The Haunting at Darkwood Hall
As shadows deepened by the belfry wall
Only one of them saw the spectre where
Dusk crept, silent, through ancient Darkwood Hall.
And on that wall a ghostly spectral scrawl
And they lingered before the warning there
As shadows darkened by the belfry wall.
Only one read the curse and dared them all
And as footsteps sounded on a distant stair,
Dusk crept, silent, through ancient Darkwood Hall.
But one would not leave, as they would recall,
Who chose to accept the curse’s fatal dare
As shadows deepened by the belfry wall
Who repeated that wraith’s evil call
As, transfixed by that spectre’s deathly stare,
Dusk crept, silent, through ancient Darkwood Hall.
And the one who stood and dared them all
Forever held by that apparition there.
As shadows deepened by the belfry wall,
Dusk crept, silent, through ancient Darkwood Hall.
Copyright © Barry Stebbings | Year Posted 2019
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