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The Haunted House

Last night my friend visited a haunted house Not brave enough to join him, I felt like a louse, I stayed home and watched a funny comedy While fleeing a goblin, he sprained his knee. I ate snacks, drank sodas, and gained a pound He said zombies and ghosts were all around, He made his way through man-eating plants Had I been there, I would have sh*t my pants! I told him I would’ve died from a heart attack, He tried to take pictures, but it was pitch black, I did not care to see puddles of oozing slime I told him I’d look at his pictures another time.
Written October 16, 2022

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 10/17/2022 12:30:00 AM
It is hilarious that he was so gung-ho and now he is limping; serves him right, going when he could have "stayed home and gained a pound".
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Hankins Avatar
L Milton Hankins
Date: 10/17/2022 8:05:00 AM
(chuckling) Oh, well, he said it was loads of fun! I don't get it.
Date: 10/16/2022 5:04:00 PM
Milton good thing you didn't go from the sounds of it... Plus your gas problems, would have not been a good night...
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L Milton Hankins
Date: 10/16/2022 5:42:00 PM
Oh, you are absolutely right, Michael. Neither I nor those around me would have enjoyed it!
Date: 10/16/2022 8:55:00 AM
Possessed, you are, I am declarin' You're channeling your inner Caren! Ha, enjoyed!
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L Milton Hankins
Date: 10/16/2022 9:37:00 AM
(chuckling) Thanks, Jeff!

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