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The Hangover

The dark circles around my eyes, made people think it is insomnia. But I know the reason behind! They think it is bradycardia But it only happens, when I look at you No one knows the reason behind me suffering from asphyxia. what to do but I was breathless with your thoughts! Everyone assumed it to be oneirophobia, But in reality, I don't wanna miss you even in my dreams! When I wander in my own world, fully immersed in my own thoughts, They think I'm schizophrenic, they think I'm paranoid. But in fact,that's Euphoria! The immense happiness I get, thinking of you! People think I'm weird or got drunk, when I'm still haunted by your words but that's just a hangover! a hangover of your thoughts!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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