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The Hair Divot

after months many moons taking to my hairbrush pulling out the hair that my brush had pulled out from my head and beard but what to do with it as it seems a waste to throw away so pondering thoughts thinking recycle so first i tried to be a cat and swallow then throw up but hairballs aren't any fun so then drying it out trying to push it in as if lint into my bellybutton but it was too small so next puckering my lips as to kiss adding this hair to where my mustache already exists it tickled my nose to sneeze not wanting none of this so thus lit the lightbulb above my head a great idea super gluing back where it had come from touche toupee

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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Date: 8/13/2019 12:58:00 AM
I have a lot of back hair I would be happy to get rid of. It's yours if you want it. Clever poem my friend. Have a great day.
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