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The Grey Goose and the Languages of Doves

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"The Grey Goose and the Languages of Doves"
He threw the Grey Goose out the window, It landed on The Road; shattered in a dozen sharp glistening diamond different ways on a day that meant a dozen different peaces - but its mind landed on its webbed feet to resist sinking on land mines and on it flew upwards towards freedom towards a distant but warmly inobtrusive soulful unresisting benevolent Sun His mouth was dry and full of feathers yet still he sang of tomorrow and better sunny weather each hour he lived he thought of stories to bring forward better Tongue extended to talk a smile pressed against his mirror Talking in tongues all the better to bring her nearer The smooth jade windows bottled glass caressed by years swallowed and rolled in deep blue unforgiving unfathomable oceans she washed upon the shallow tide of his shores and swallowed his interior He tapped the pane he tapped the pain no conversation in real time entranced in the shallow waters, smooth yet sharp greens direct and crystalline bewitched by the idea of reaching shore, she remained The Grey Goose thrown out the window shattered and split into a dozen different stories and towards tomorrow flew holding tight to beyond the twin blues a loving visage wings brushed against the possibilities, Ten Green Bottles sitting on a wall… reduced to 1 remaining unheard unsung The Grey Goose flew another season wings spread flying in never-ending rotation trying to translate the language of Black Swan who flew another season wings spread flying in never-ending rotation trying to translate the languages of Doves He threw the Grey Goose out the Window looking for the language of a Dove (LadyLabyrinth/2019)
"Thursday's Child" / David Bowie "Thursday's Child" (Arcapela) / David Bowie "The Possibilities" / Michael Hutchence
"The Possibilities" / Michael Hutchence, lyrics "Thursday's Child" / David Bowie, lyrics 1. 2. Thanksgiving: 3. 4.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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Date: 12/5/2019 5:36:00 AM
This would have been enough. "The Grey Goose thrown out the window shattered and split into a dozen different stories and towards tomorrow flew" The rest was just showing off.
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Lady Labyrinth
Date: 12/6/2019 3:35:00 PM
Must be the narcissistic Leo in me. :). Thanks Mme K. x
Date: 11/28/2019 7:23:00 AM
This hits all the right keys, life isn't easy..we make choices, sacrifices..still love entices, meant to be, many bottles shattered til diamonds shine in shades of blue and green. Love it L xx
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Ts Poetry
Date: 11/28/2019 11:15:00 AM
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Lady Labyrinth
Date: 11/28/2019 10:47:00 AM
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Ts Poetry
Date: 11/28/2019 10:11:00 AM
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Lady Labyrinth
Date: 11/28/2019 9:53:00 AM
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Ts Poetry
Date: 11/28/2019 9:15:00 AM
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Lady Labyrinth
Date: 11/28/2019 8:54:00 AM
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Ts Poetry
Date: 11/28/2019 8:43:00 AM
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Lady Labyrinth
Date: 11/28/2019 8:39:00 AM
Ocean, air. Clams are part and parcel of life. Closed. Open. Al Pacino, hoo-ha and all that....(-) (-). They're eyes, not...
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Lady Labyrinth
Date: 11/28/2019 8:36:00 AM
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Ts Poetry
Date: 11/28/2019 7:55:00 AM
If you don't mind going through a bunch of smelly clams. Lol
Date: 11/28/2019 4:59:00 AM
Your imagery has brought the GreyGoose out of the shadows of history, making him more alive and lively than ever. Happy Thanksgiving Lady Labyrinth!
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Lady Labyrinth
Date: 11/28/2019 5:12:00 AM
Lots of Love to you on your Thanksgiving Day Mme Krutsinger. x

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