The Greasy Saddle
In walked the Redeyed Stranger
Bragging: he used an excessive amount of
bagging gestures and words. He was told by
his handler to tune down the rhetoric, as one
person found him rude and overbearing. We
were worried someone would use the
opportunity to be mean of crasp towards him.
His horse had been clipped and shampooed.
The animal was a prized Belgium Draft, hows
shiny black fur was a sight for even the most
novice of people. The most positive thing about
his rant was we foundout that he worried about
someone greasing his saddle. He told one of
the men To watch the pranksters. One of them
might want to grease my saddle to get me out
of contention.When the time came for the horse pull
a fella went out and looked at all the saddles.
and be hold the saddle for the Belgium Draft had
been greased. A group of rider found a can of
grease with a brush in the chicken coop behind
the pile of cornhusks.
This a story about a group of Show horse riders who incorporated
"La selle Grasse" into there show. It was a scritp that involved the
audience.Often the Staged show would involve horses doing tricks.
"The Magnificent Athlete" a fella who wore a mask and cape would
come to the rescue of the guy accussed of greasing the saddle,
they'd brawl and tell the audeince who really greased the saaddle,
revealing a tied up man gagged with a hankercheif in his mouth.
The Masked Man than would use this forumn to catupule his
rasslin carreer. He'd "work a-show" for cheap heat and get
the pop he needed to get over with the crowd. ( He was raising money
to start his restaurant)
Copyright © Allan Terry | Year Posted 2023
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