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The Grace of a Shooting Star

They asked me to go To the hills, oceans, valleys and deep steeps To see the beauty of danger The mighty of height The glory of width So that I may sing from the bottom soul Or may write from the depth of my understanding Their suggestion is very welcome But very annoyed to reply them that in my heart i have a bird It sings all the time from the top of a hill For the whole humanity living in the valleys and plains It dives into the womb of an unfathomable ocean To fetch gems and pearls till untouched In doing so all the above I many times fall as a climber falls in a steep I know the gorges and their networks of trap Bog is not unknown to me too Many times I slip into its web And you might go to wonder and express aw Knowing that all these lie all time in front of my poetic eyes Realised in the heart and expressed though the mind In my soul i hold the whole cosmos And its untold sorrow and pain I go through every moment in my veins Yet I play the string and with the music I dance like a peacock Laugh like a child, blow and flow like the river and like the wind No ill for any one, No time i have to execute the role of a devil No, i am not a sage, not a saint I know not all, i am not a fake I am genuine with human blood and flesh Yet i keep my thought falling like a fountain Pure white and chaste By carving the basic instincts lust greed and the lure of telling lies I bent like a rainbow when the urge of wanton wanting comes up Without any bias and prejudice Right and wrong I judge True and false I decide with the rays of the sun With the serene beauty of the moon I distinguish Between the race of man and the race of dogs And I do all the things I mention above With the help of love I get from the waves while kissing shores And keep riding with the pride of a tip facing harshness With a consciousness of a hill I wish not to lose justness Even if, I fall from a cliff As I find grace in a star while shooting And glory in the height of rain drops while falling.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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