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The God I Call Upon

The God I call upon speaks every language, knows every dialect, sees every thought, hears every prayer, seeks every soul... The God I call upon loves Hindu and Jew, Muslim and Quaker, Catholic and Buddhist and He loves as well the lukewarm agnostic and waits to welcome the diehard atheist... For the God I call upon must love each soul, the lost as well as the found, else how could I or you or anyone call upon a lesser God? No, the God I call upon is always More, never less, but always so much More-- endlessly More, eternally More...

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 2/24/2021 2:55:00 AM
What beautiful poetic words and belief! How I relate to your genuine and profound thoughts! So much a pleasure to read! My deepest regards and blessings.
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Carber Avatar
L. J. Carber
Date: 2/24/2021 7:10:00 AM
Thank you Besma--- I found God the hard way 50 years ago, almost losing my life--and soul-- in the 'finding'-- so I try to thank the Lord of All the Worlds everyday...
Date: 2/18/2021 6:49:00 AM
The first stanza was my favourite and it describes the God i know and believe in. God loves everyone yes true even though the atheist we believe won't go to heaven where the theist believer will go. But its an awesome beautiful poem about God. Kudos!! Plz do read and comment my newest poem too.
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L. J. Carber
Date: 2/18/2021 9:18:00 AM
Thank you so much for your thoughtful words!

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry